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This Bohemian dreamcatcher bouquet is a much more environmental-friendly and more stylish than the conventional flower bouquet. The colour of ribbons can be changed to match your dress colour. A transparent bear card with name written on is included with the bouquet.


  1. Handmade item
  2. Materials: gold circular frame, silk and lace ribbons, transparent bear card
  3. Every single piece is handmade & unique (Every item may look slightly different!)

Bridesmaid's Bohemian dreamcatcher bouquet

SKU: 079
    • Made to order (will ship in an estimated 3-6 weeks after purchase <Monday - Friday>)
    • Express order (+ 20%, will ship in estimated 2 weeks after purchase , +30% for 14-20 daysand + 50% will ship in estimated 1 week after purchase <Monday - Friday>, depends upon materials in hand, pls inbox for further details)
  • Please inbox me on Norahsdesign Facebook/Instragram for more information.

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